
Figure by Marjori Abramson

I am intrigued by both abstraction and figuration, each of which informs and enhances my knowledge of the other. The use of line, color, form, movement and light are the common language that they share. In each format my goal is to capture and communicate the amalgam of life’s experiences. My abstract work takes familiar elements from everyday life and explores their essence in non-objective compositions. My figurative work is realized by studying the abstract forms that comprise the whole, and then integrating them into a convincing image.

Much of the abstract work underlines the concept of movement based on the development of line and shape. My work is often inspired by nature and influenced by the dynamism of light. Collectively, I hope the elements of my compositions escort the viewer into a poetic field of suspended time.

Working figuratively, I capture moments in time that transcend likeness and discover the intangibles of human emotion, attitude, character, and wisdom in every subject. Working from life allows me to become intimate with the nuances of each individual, and to communicate that intensity of feeling in their particular movements, coloration, and fleeting expressions. Drawing and painting the figure continues to be an endlessly fascinating and enriching endeavor.

Whether abstract or figurative, my goal is to discover and illuminate truths for my viewers and myself.